The Ave

The Ave

The Ave is a restaurant guide exclusive to places on The Ave near University of Washington, Seattle. Designed specifically for the people residing around The Ave.
Late night? Want some food? Looking for a place to study?
Who's open now?
Who delivers?
Where is that place?

The Ave knows!

* avilable for iPhone & Android devices

Open Now

The Ave app quickly shows you exactly which restaurants are open now and lets you easily sort through the restaurants.

Finding late night food is now super easy thanks to The Ave.

Looking for places that deliver? No problem, we've even included minimum delivery orders.

The clean and simple icons and UI make it very fast and easy to use. Spend more time eating, less time walking the ave.

"If you eat on The Ave, this is a must have."
"Perfect for UW students!"
"Very convenient setup and icons. Makes it easy to find a place to eat or study at any time."


#TheAveApp is the perfect way to see what's going on on the ave. Instagram posts using the hashtag #TheAveApp show up in real time in The Ave app.

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Interactive Map

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